Lincoln Hospital Specializes In Hiding Fatal Errors
By Tina Moore, Benjamin Lesser and Greg B. Smith | DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITERS
Tuesday, July 28th 2009, 12:48 PM
A separate investigation by the state Commission on Quality of Care and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities said Lincoln’s psychiatric ER often handled twice the approved number of patients.
The state’s inquiry began after a complaint was filed claiming that stretchers for patients were “placed in the living room, kitchen, hallway, day room and in front of the bathroom door.”
In each of these reports, the state blacked out some details. The News was able to identify victims by matching state reports to court records.
Monique Figueroa was one such case.
On Dec. 15, 2005, the 39-year-old Bronx woman was brought to Lincoln’s ER suffering from severe abdominal pain, her mother, Joan Figueroa, said in court papers
Joan Figueroa’s lawyer, William Burdo, said he learned of the state investigation after he sued. He said the state never contacted the Figueroa family during its probe.
“The way it is done is grossly unfair to the patient and the patient’s family,” Burdo said.
In July 2007 — four months after the state probe — the city settled the case for $300,000.